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  • 🔥 🎄Daily Digest: Cheerio vs. BeautifulSoup, Vue 3 Tips, and JavaScript’s Future Features

🔥 🎄Daily Digest: Cheerio vs. BeautifulSoup, Vue 3 Tips, and JavaScript’s Future Features

PLUS: Master CORS in Node.js, prep for interviews, and explore tools like fonoster, fabric.js, and jsPDF for smarter development.

Daily Issue #103 | Subscribe to DS | Daily Sandbox Pro


Hello Developers!

Cheerio vs. BeautifulSoup: Find out which web scraping library is the right fit for your needs. Learn to build and share data between Vue 3 components, and explore the newest JavaScript features for 2025. Understand CORS in Node.js, and prepare for interviews with 15 essential system design resources.

Tools to Check Out:

  • fonoster: Open-source alternative to Twilio for communications.

  • targetj: A JavaScript UI framework that simplifies development and boosts animations.

  • table-sort-js: Easy HTML table sorting with no dependencies.

  • fabric.js: A powerful Canvas library for SVG-to-Canvas parsing.

  • jsPDF: Generate PDFs client-side with ease.

Also, learn how to generate a random number within a range effortlessly!

Dive in and keep coding!



Generate a Random Number within a Range

The randomInRange function generates a random integer between a specified minimum and maximum value.

const randomInRange = (min, max) => Math.floor(Math.random() * (max - min + 1)) + min;

// Output: A random number between 1 and 10
console.log(randomInRange(1, 10)); 

// Output: A random number between 50 and 100
console.log(randomInRange(50, 100)); 

// Output: A random number between -10 and 10
console.log(randomInRange(-10, 10)); 

How it works:

  1. Math.random() generates a random floating-point number between 0 (inclusive) and 1 (exclusive).

  2. (max - min + 1) scales this random value to the desired range.

  3. Math.floor() rounds the result down to the nearest integer.

  4. + min shifts the scaled number to start at the minimum value.

Use Cases:

  • Games and Simulations: Generate random events, positions, or outcomes.

  • Test Data: Create randomized datasets for testing algorithms or applications.

  • Dynamic Applications: Randomize UI elements, animations, or actions.


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  • fonoster - The open-source alternative to Twilio

  • targetj - JavaScript UI framework designed to simplify development and enhance animations

  • table-sort-js - HTML table sorting with no dependencies

  • fabric.js - Javascript Canvas Library, SVG-to-Canvas (& canvas-to-SVG) Parser

  • jsPDF - Client-side JavaScript PDF generation for everyone


API Calls

REST APIs are like relationships...

GET to know each other.

POST your feelings.

PUT effort in to make it work.

DELETE toxic memories.

But most importantly, don't forget to handle rejection (404).


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