- Daily Sandbox
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- Issue #1
Issue #1
Daily Issue #1
🎆 News, Innovations, and Trends
One of the most useful tools in JavaScript is the spread operator, which lets you effortlessly expand iterable elements like arrays, objects, and even strings
Choosing the reliable Cypress plugins is crucial to minimize reliance on additional dependencies.
The 7.25.0 release of Babel brings multiple bug fixes and support for duplicated named capturing groups
The ultimate guide to selecting the perfect frontend framework for your next project
A simple guide to learning Asynchronous JavaScript
Copying data between tables has always been a challenge, regardless of the database type. However, there is now a solution that claims to offer the fastest way to copy data between Postgres tables
🧰 Coding Toolbox
With Decode FormData, you can convert encoded form data back into a JavaScript object, recovering any information lost during the encoding process for server communication
Api-Fiddle is a cool playground for REST(ish) APIs where you can design endpoints for technical docs and collaborate with others.
Flowmodor is a flexible focus timer designed to help you stay in a flow state.
Another database, FerretDB, that acts like MongoDB but uses Postgres for storage has been updated to version 1.23
pgAdmin is also seeing a version bump to v8.10
Another lightweight drag-n-drop library, Dragula, offers super easy implementation.
#️⃣ Do you AI prompt?
Act as an Excel Sheet
I want you to act as a text based excel. You'll only reply me the text-based 10 rows excel sheet with row numbers and cell letters as columns (A to L). First column header should be empty to reference row number. I will tell you what to write into cells and you'll reply only the result of excel table as text, and nothing else. Do not write explanations. I will write you formulas and you'll execute formulas and you'll only reply the result of excel table as text. First, reply me the empty sheet.
💻 Code Snippets
Problem: I was setting up columns for my progress-tracking kanban app. Each column needed to hold cards for individual tasks, and I wanted to make sure each card could be drag-and-dropped onto any column. I also needed to be able to sort the columns.
Solution: With so many frameworks and libraries out there, I found a super tiny one (Dragula) that had all the functionality I needed to get the job done
let $columns = document.querySelectorAll('.column');
let cards = dragula(columns, {
removeOnSpill: false,
revertOnSpill: true
.on('drag', card => {
$columns.forEach(col => col.classList.add('visible'));
.on('cancel', card => {
$columns.forEach(col => col.classList.remove('visible'));
.on('drop', card => {
$columns.forEach(col => col.classList.remove('visible'));
let columns = dragula([document.querySelector('.board')], {
removeOnSpill: false,
revertOnSpill: true,
direction: 'horizontal',
moves: (el, container, handle) => {
return handle.classList.contains('column-header');
.on('drop', onColumnDrop);